HYUNDAI Locally Assembled Cubicle Gas Insulated Switchgear
(C-GIS) 36kV & 11kV

Hyundai C-GIS is Hyundai Switchgear product fully developed by Hyundai overlooking future aspects of Cost Saving and Space Constraint. The only type of switchgear in the world designed on a lego concept is to further be localized in Malaysia to cater the local demand in Malaysia which the National Utility company requires a high demand given the fact of Space as well as Safety.

HYUNDAI CGIS are designed:
  • Safety
  • Eco friendly
  • Life cycle analysis

What is a Switchgear & why SF6 Gas Insulated Switchgear?

In an electric power system, switchgear is the combinations of electrical disconnect switches, fuses or circuit breakers used to control, protect and isolate electrical equipment. Switchgear is used both to de-energize equipment to allow work to be done and to clear faults downstream. This type of equipment is important because it is directly linked to the reliability of the electricity supply.

Typically switchgear in substations is located on both the high voltage and the low voltage side of large power transformers. The switchgear on the low voltage side of the transformers may be located in a building, with medium-voltage circuit breakers for distribution circuits, along with metering, control, and protection equipment.

Gas (SF6) circuit breakers & switchgears stretch the arc using a magnetic field, and then rely upon the dielectric strength of the SF6 to quench the stretched arc. "Gas insulated switchgear" is electrical switching equipment that uses an inert gas (SF6) as the insulating medium. In most instances, the interrupting medium is also (SF6), but some manufacturers offer gas insulated switchgear using vacuum interrupters. During the earlier development of this technology a decade ago, Gas insulated switchgear is far more expensive that conventional switchgear that offers the advantage of being far more compact however today HYUNDAI a cost effective Switchgear that overlooks into cost saving and life cycle analysis justification. Today HYUNDAI had signed an MOU and SKD agreement to enhance the regional market growth within South East Asia and beginning with Malaysia.

Safety is the main criteria for an electrical equipment hence besides the general public, competent operators authorize to conduct switching on the switchgears within the substation shall be safe to conduct switching works. The SF6 Switchgear is meant for safety either for competent operators or both operators and General Public.

In Conclusion referring to the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Standards specification; IEC 62271-200: 2003 within clause A.2 page 115 which clearly indicate the Internal Arc Classification (IAC) of the Switchgears.

Class A: Restricted to authorize personal only. (Most Manufacturers)
Class B: Unrestricted Accessibility including that of General Public (HYUNDAI & HYUNDAI Locally assembled CGIS)
Class C: Only for Pole mounted - Not applicable in Malaysia.

Safety is vital regardless of operating conditions in which it is the rule of thumb humans are to have peace of mind operating an equipment. HHI Power Sdn Bhd plans to implement the best quality equipment to be applied to our National Power Utility company at a more cost saving price. Besides safety of authorize operators HHI Power Sdn Bhd believes the safety of the General Public exposed within substations nearby are to be taken seriously.

SF6 Gasses are known to have a common leakage rate due to aging process, SF6 gas is known not to be an eco friendly gas. However most specifications of Switchgears have had imposed a leakage rate of 0.3% / year which is approved by worldwide environmental authorities. HYUNDAI C GIS is designed and tested to have the most less leakage rate that is proven at 0.1%/year. The concept applying another type of Technology as an insulation medium is not practical in terms of Cost Saving, Safety as well as manufacturing which proves a higher impact on the environment. Therefore the presumption is to find the best leakage rate among the manufacturers of Switchgears.

An electrical component that has undergone breakdown would usually be scrapped straight away. Internal Arc is the main contributor of failures which can never be presumed but is a time bomb that is exposed to failure. What makes HYUNDAI Locally assembled switchgear better is the fact that is manufactured by cubicle compartments or the LEGO Concept approach which not only shall an explosion or arcing appear the damaged part only affects 1 cubicle out of 5 attached cubicles. The current GIS Switchgear applied within our system is of 1 whole compartment of which shall any damages appear it is most likely to change the whole switchgear.

Customers seek the advantage not only of the highest quality and safety of product but a complete service from local testing which can save overseas trip for factory test but a piece of mind on after sales & services which a complete procurement process is locally done in Malaysia.