HYUNDAI Locally Assembled Cast Resin Transformers

Is an enhance design from Hyundai further developed from the Technical Collaboration of HYUNDAI and Siemens back in 1972.

  • Energy Conservation
  • Lifetime of Equipments
  • Safety
  • Eco Friendly
  • Suitable for any climates

What is a Transformer?

Transformers are equipments commonly used to regulate the Voltage within the power line for consumer usage in which it is a non widely known equipment among consumers yet a very critical equipment on Energy Saving. Due to space constraints today substations are usually in Buildings or within a compound exposed to Human which is not suitable for the Conventional Oil Type Transformers that are hazardous to human exposed or Technicians working on the Equipment.

HYUNDAI locally assembled Cast Resin Transformers are manufactured with concern of Energy Saving proven to have a more lower No- Load Loss or the ‘Iron Losses’ in which contributes towards lower billings on downtime. Transformers are continuously a source of load which consumes energy even during downtime or ‘No Operation Time’. This particular reason is because of the Material used which is the Highest Grade of Silicon Steel that is laminated with Magnesium Silicate Phosphate which is a technology only being adapt by Korea and Japan.

HYUNDAI locally assembled Cast Resin Transformers are designed towards a longer life expectancy which an electrical equipment aging factor is ‘HEAT’. Heat is what determines the performance of an equipment. HYUNDAI Cast Resin Transformers are designed narrower contributing to a taller transformer to provide more Heat Dissipation Area. Thus creating more allowance for overloading. HYUNDAI is known as the largest ship builder in the world in which HYUNDAI Cast Resin Transformer Technology is designed to suit Marine and Offshore purpose which adapts towards different world wide climates and sudden temperature change.

HYUNDAI locally assembled Cast Resin Transformers coils are self extinguishing in which the purpose of Cast Resin Transformers is Safety. Safety is a vital criterion that shall be taken into account in which the conventional practice in Malaysia well known to the public is the common grey box that has a tendency to explode which would harm lives. Nevertheless cases of Technicians involved in Transformer Explosions are very common. On the cost saving side a Cast Resin Transformer is a component base concept in which shall there be any defect in future the Transformer can be repaired faster by changing 20% of the component usually the Coil. Whereas the conventional Oil Transformer is a complete wear and tear equipment which is exposed towards total wears out.

HYUNDAI locally assembled Cast Resin Transformers are like any Dry type transformers are eco friendly equipments in which no Oil is being consumed and is an equipment that requires no maintenance works which would most likely contribute towards oil spills. Further to that the manufacturing of these equipments is far more less in contributing towards the usage of Materials as well as Oil. HYUNDAI Cast Resin Transformer advantage is that the Transformer are designed to be more efficient with very high efficiency contributed by the material used for the CORE. The noise level is very much low which is proven on substations being applied in Several Projects in Malaysia.

Malaysia is a tropical country with a very high humidity level thus another factor to be considered is the safety of the coil construction. The LV coils are perfectly sealed on bottom and top yet allowing expansion process due to Heat being generated from the loading process. Further to that moisture is being prevented to enter the coil inter winding that could cause failure to the Transformer Coil.

Why Hyundai Locally Assembled Cast Resin Transformer

Besides having the highest quality of Cast Resin Distribution Transformers after sales and service is a very important agenda. HHI Power Sdn Bhd continuously conducts assembly works in which our team is 24/7 alert to undertake and replace your Parts within Malaysia. Besides having the full Routine Test and Special Test Equipments we are optimistic that we can avoid unnecessary cost of a project such as shipment of spares, customize of components and most obviously Overseas Trip to conduct Factory Acceptance Test.